Feeling like Gary?
Low T drains your energy, making it tough to get out of the bed and easy to keep hitting that snooze button.
Further Reading: Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?
Exercise, sex, hobbies—low T makes it tough to enjoy just about anything.
Further Reading: Side Effects of Low Testosterone Wrecking Your Life?
Easy to gain fat, tough to gain muscle. Low testosterone wrecks your fitness goals.
Further Reading: Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Reduce Fat?
Low testosterone stops you from enjoying or wanting sex, and causes difficulty maintaining an erection.
Further Reading: What Are Testosterone Injections?
Low testosterone means losing your spark and dulling your edge. Every task seems like a massive challenge, and tiny problems seem insurmountable.
Further Reading: Does Alcohol Lower Testosterone?
Worst of all, low T drives men to depression—making everything feel downright hopeless.
Further Reading: What are the Benefits of TRT?
You are not alone!
Hi there, I'm Dr. Rob Richards. About ten years ago, my life was a mess—nothing felt right anymore, from work to home and everything in between. Even as a doctor, I couldn't see the issue staring me right in the face. My hormone levels came back “normal,” so I turned my attention elsewhere.
But after doing a little research of my own, I discovered my testosterone levels were far from “normal,” just like you might have realized about yourself. Low T is an issue that plagues guys all over the country, and often goes ignored by physicians who just don't understand how optimal testosterone works.
So let me be very clear—your low testosterone is absolutely not normal, and you deserve to feel 100%, not 75% or 50%.
Crippling depression, depleted energy levels, zero momentum at the gym—these are just some of the debilitating side effects of low testosterone, and those symptoms grow worse as your condition continues to go undiagnosed and untreated. Without optimal testosterone levels, you're just not capable of achieving your true potential.
So let's change all that. If you feel stuck in a rut and low T is to blame, call us or send us a message ASAP. Get in, get your hormones checked, and get started on the path to revival right now.
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When your body's natural testosterone-producing mechanisms don't work well anymore, TRT steps into fill the void and replace the testosterone your body should be making.
TRT treatments are usually offered as injections, gels or patches, each with different pros and cons that you should discuss with your doctor to find out which route is best.
TRT is not the same as taking anabolic steroids. However, boosting your testosterone will allow you to gain muscle easier than you could with low T.
Weekly injections vary, but normally range between 100 and 125 mg.
You can start seeing incredible results after just a few weeks of TRT.
Bioidentical testosterone is simply a marketing term that's not even recognized by the FDA. It's a sales technique, nothing more.
Our cutting-edge facilities across the country are all staffed with the best testosterone experts and physicians we could find, combing outstanding patient care and the latest advancements to bring you the best results possible.
Working with Revive means getting revitalizing your body and mind, restoring balance to your testosterone levels, and finally living life on your terms again.
Over the years, we've helped thousands of men just like you feel rejuvenated and revitalized with the power of testosterone replacement therapy. By working with so many unique patients, we can ensure the best, most personalized care possible for you, too.
But you don't have to take our word for it. Just look at some of our glowing reviews on sites like Real Self. At Revive, we're serious about getting the results our patients desire, period.
Revive TRT specializes in hormone therapy—and it's a distinction we wear proudly. Many of our own doctors have experienced the frustration of seeing men denied treatment for low T because their physician just didn't understand how testosterone works.
But we know your “normal” testosterone levels aren't actually normal, and our team of specialists with decades of experience is here to help you regain control of your life once and for all.
Our Orlando TRT specialists are ready to help.
TRT in Miami has never been safer or more effective.
Visit Revive in Tampa, experience the difference of optimal T.
Finding out the right Florida testosterone therapy dosage is tough...unless you consult with specialists who take TRT seriously. Give us a call or send us a message when you're ready to take the next step and regain control over your body and life.
Questions? Get in Touch